Who are we?

About Us

About us
Why Partners recruteurs?

The Heart of Our Company

The professions for which we recruit talents are also our professions. Many of our recruiters offer multilingual services across Canada and the United States. The expertise developed in several areas allows us to understand exactly the issues facing our clients. The passion we have for people means that we have access to a very large network of professionals.

Our Mission

Our mission is to create collective wealth based on human talent, organizational opportunities and technology in a win-win partnership framework.
Recruitment specialist. Our Founder

Hani Jelassi

Family, flexibility, innovation, communityship, profit sharing, these are the key words that presided over the creation of the Partners recruitment firm in November 2020.

Having had an academic and professional background in supply chain and logistics, I have been able to develop a passion and expertise for this unique and constantly evolving field.

But the real reason I’m so attached to the industry is the people! The vision of changing the world of work, positively impacting the lives of individuals and contributing to the influence of the community.

Talent seekers, job seekers or simply passionate about the supply chain: we look forward to making a win-win partnership with you.

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Hani Jelassi

Post after post the customers who trust us

Some facts

Our Values

We value our people:

Our employees are the real wealth of the company, we believe that fulfilled employees will make satisfied customers.

We are indebted:

We honor our commitments and take responsibility for our words and actions.

Client Focused:

The very spirit of our organization is to meet the needs and expectations of our customers and try to constantly exceed them in order to provide them with a unique customer experience.


We like to think outside the box, looking for new and innovative solutions in order to create more added value for customers.